Friday, July 27, 2012

Staying Together

For many people, making their marriages work is one of life’s great challenges.
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal entitled, "The Divorcé's Guide to Marriage" included tips from a study of divorced persons who felt they had learned from their mistakes in marriage. The article gave 4 tips on the best ways to stay together:
1. Boost your spouse's mood.
2. Reveal more about yourself.
3. Talk more about money.
4. Get over the past.
As the article points out "this is advice learned the hard way."

This article was written by Phoebe P. Hall.
Managing Partner/Attorney, Hall & Hall, PLC, 1401 Huguenot Road, Suite 100, Midlothian, VA 23113, and 4323 Cox Road, Suite 100, Glen Allen, VA 23060, Tel: (804) 897-1515, Fax (804) 897-2499