Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Keep Your Friends Close (But Farther Away During a Divorce)

Going through a divorce can be one of the most difficult situations that you will
ever have to go through in your life. It's a time when you need your friends and
family the most, and will tend to lean on them more than ever. They can be
great asset when it comes to having a shoulder to cry on, someone to scream
 with, and somebody to make light of the situation; however, they can also be
your worst nightmare when it comes to the actual divorce process. While most
friends and family have the best of intentions when they are telling you their
divorce [horror] stories (come on, we have all heard them: My Husband's
attorney was a crook, My Wife's attorney was best friends with the Judge,
My Husband got everything, sometimes they can do more harm than good.)
It's very easy to get caught up in another person's drama of their situation,
but do not let that dictate the way that you are going to approach your own
situation. It more than likely is not the same scenario; and even though there
are rules and statutes that govern the divorce process, each and every divorce
is unique to the parties' specific situation. We appreciate the support that a good
family member or friend can give, and we know that support can be invaluable;
but, we also encourage people to be mindful of what things are helpful to listen to,
and what things can be detrimental. Therefore, in addition to family and friends,
it is very important to consult a family law attorney and find someone who you
connect with and trust.