Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Remarriage or cohabitation?

Attached is an interesting article from the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.  If you are among those folks who are considering remarriage or cohabitation, you may want to get a perspective from an attorney on whether a prenuptial agreement is beneficial for remarriage, whether other agreements are beneficial if you are cohabiting, whether benefits in a divorce agreement can be affected depending on your decision, etc.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Financial information in a divorce

In divorce matters, issues of support and division of property are often topics that need resolution.  Although each court is slightly different in what it may require to be formally submitted, attorneys advocating for client's interests need information that can be found in documents including but not limited to tax returns, pay stubs, bank statements, financial account statements, etc.  The attached article from MSN Money is a good outline on these issues, keeping in mind that there are specific requirements in Virginia law that may not be applicable in other states.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Sharing some divorce and custody perspectives

At Hall & Hall, we represent moms and dads who are going through a separation, divorce, custody dispute.  We like to help our clients find different resources that might speak to them based on their situation, the stage of their separate, their own children.  These articles from Parenting may be helpful; and there are more articles within the link that you may find a good read.  http://www.parenting.com/article/top-10-divorce-articles

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Monday, September 2, 2013

A new year of sorts for children and parents

School is about to start for many of us, or has already started in some counties near Richmond.  It is a new year in many ways:  getting a new schedule, learning who the new teachers are, gathering school supplies and organizing for a successful year regardless of what grade your child/children may be starting.  For parents who are separated or divorced, your custody schedule may include afternoons and/or overnights with the other parent.  Having a coordinated approach to making sure homework gets done, projects are completed, tests are studied for is important.  Find a way to easily share the volumes of information that come home from school; make sure that each parent has access to the school's online resources; create a study space with adequate supplies in each home even for weekend studies.  Good co-parenting throughout the school year is part of your child's academic success.